Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Independence Days Challenge

We've joined a 'challenge' that I've read about in the past, but decided to do something about this year. Based on Carla Emery's ideas, this is a challenge to do something, every day, towards your own independence. It doesn't have to be big. It doesn't have to be earth shattering...it just has to be progress. Do it and record it...this will allow us to see forward momentum and that's something that is not only priceless, but reassuring. Anyway, you can read more about this challenge at Sharon's blog in my side bar (Casaubon's Book - great blog, by the way!).

I'm going to do a weekly recap on Mondays but since I only signed up today, this week is a day late:

1. Plant something - Gosh - where to begin with this? We planted quite a bit this past week. For seeds: spinach, peas, mustard and kohlrabi. For transplants: broccoli, cauliflower, celery, celeriac, onions, strawberries and cabbage. I also transplanted some daisys from our neighbors yard to ours.

2. Harvest something – not much to harvest just yet. I do hope to grab some cherry and apple blossoms for drying this evening.

3. Preserve something – I dried 3 lbs of asparagus and 2 lbs of carrots in the dehydrator this weekend. Unfortunately, this was purchased produce, but preservation is preservation.

4. Reduce waste – Daily recycling is a habit for us so I'm going to have to come up with additional ways to do this. Oh! We did discover that the defrosted milk (that is permanently seperated into solids and liquid) is great chicken food. They LOVE the solids, so instead of tossing it out, it is slowly getting fed to the chickens. That's reducing waste, right?

5. Preparation and Storage - We actually made a big run to Costco this week. We stocked up on lots of basics (things we don't grow ourselves). I always feel good when the pantry gets plumped up after a good re-stocking! We also had our grass-fed beef & pork CSA pickup this past weekend, so we are well stocked with meat again.

6. Build Community Food Systems - I gave 2.5 dozen eggs to our neighbor in exchange for some clippings off her rosemary bush and some daisys.

7. Eat the Food - I used some of my neighbors rosemary and some store-bought garlic to make a flavored marinade for some of that CSA meat. And we also enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of home raised eggs with CSA pepper bacon on Sunday. YUM!

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