From a more personal standpoint, I'd like to accomplish a few other things. The first of these involves my goals for 2010. I'd like to finally get to a place where come 2010, 'losing weight' is not my list of future accomplishments. This is a two part effort. The first, of couse, is actually losing some weight. The second is the harder part - and that is learning to accept myself and my body not for what it looks like, but for what it can do. I have never had a single new year where 'weight loss' wasn't in the plans for the coming months - even going back to childhood when I wasn't exactly over-weight. This is a mental issue that I plan to actively work on this year. Additionally, I'm going to make a greater effort to sustain the relationships that are important to me. With my husband, my family, and with friends from my past and present. I've been too wrapped up in our homestead efforts over the past year, and I've allowed this blog to do too much of my communicating for me. REAL interpersonal interaction is essential to a well balanced happy life. I need to work on it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A new year ahead
From a more personal standpoint, I'd like to accomplish a few other things. The first of these involves my goals for 2010. I'd like to finally get to a place where come 2010, 'losing weight' is not my list of future accomplishments. This is a two part effort. The first, of couse, is actually losing some weight. The second is the harder part - and that is learning to accept myself and my body not for what it looks like, but for what it can do. I have never had a single new year where 'weight loss' wasn't in the plans for the coming months - even going back to childhood when I wasn't exactly over-weight. This is a mental issue that I plan to actively work on this year. Additionally, I'm going to make a greater effort to sustain the relationships that are important to me. With my husband, my family, and with friends from my past and present. I've been too wrapped up in our homestead efforts over the past year, and I've allowed this blog to do too much of my communicating for me. REAL interpersonal interaction is essential to a well balanced happy life. I need to work on it.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Cookies for Christmas
For the past couple of weeks, I've kind of had to force myself into the holiday mood. First I started with decorating the house. That helped. Then I worked on baking some cookies. For whatever reason, I was not inspired to make the cookies we traditionally make in our family, so I decided to try some new ones. I pulled out my favorite cookie cookbook and flipped through it for inspiration. We bought this cookbook from a little gift shop in Banff Springs when we were on our honeymoon. The woman in the bookstore couldn't stop raving about this book - and she knew the author personally because she was from the area. I figured "hey! kind of like local cuisine!" so we bought it. It's easily the best thing I brought back from that trip besides my new husband! It's called "One Smart Cookie" and I have a little blurb about it in my sidebar. It has nothing to do with homesteading or saving money or being green or living sustainably...but everyone needs a good cookie now and again.
So, I start with the cookies pictured above. My mom used to make them and called them chocolate crinkles, but in this book they are called chocolava cookies. They turned out beautiful and absolutely delicious. Super chocolatey without being too sweet. YUM!
Cornmeal Maple Pecan Twists - delicious!
Next I opted for 'Cornmeal Maple Pecan Twists'...but I made 'C's' insead of twists. Again, yum! Very chewy and full of texture and flavor. These were the first ones to be gobbled up of the three varieties I made.
Gingerbread Snowmen - prior to decorating.
Lastly, at the request of my husband, I made gingerbread men. Well...gingerbread snowmen since that was the only cookie cutter I had that even came close. Again, another success. Crunchy and very, very flavorful. These things are wonderful with coffee!
All in all, a success. I think my favorites were the chocolava cookies. I've also made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from this book (called "Everyone's Favorite Cookie") and they are wonderful. Oh, and did I mention that all the cookies in this book are made with less fat than traditional recipes? No? Well, that's because you tend to forget that little fact when the cookies are as good as these are... ;-) And the bonus? I can get away with buying less butter!
Monday, December 22, 2008
More snow!!
I never thought I'd say this, but ENOUGH ALREADY! Holy cow...I can't get over the amounts of snow we are getting! We haven't seen the ground since last Sunday - over a week now.
I had to shovel out the chicken run this morning so that the chickens could 1) get out of the coop and 2) get water. Their waterer, which is suspended above the ground by a few inches and which is about a foot tall, was almost completely covered in snow. When I walk outside of the paths we've made, the snow is up to my knees.
Neither of the goats will leave their shed. I used to occasionally see them strolling around in between snow showers...but we had some freezing rain Saturday night and since then, neither of them are too sure of the crust of ice they have to step through. Even the dogs are not fans of it. In fact, I think that the snow is finally getting too deep for them, too!
Luckily, our power and internet is holding out. With both of those, I am able to work from home and save my PTO for real needs. My H does the same thing on a regular basis, anyway. He is going to have to cancel a trip to visit a customer this week, but he can reschedule. Driving is treacherous. I grew up in northern states, so to me, driving on snow is no big deal. What I didn't take into consideration is that when you live in a place where snow is common, they have the insfrastructure in place to deal with it. Plows, sanders, people, etc. Here? Not so much. They local authorities are scrambling to take care of things and a lot of the plan to deal with it is just hoping for normal temps to return so that it melts!
We did buy chains last week, and I got to use them for the first time yesterday. Getting them on when the car was already sitting in a couple of inches of snow (some of it being well-packed) wasn't easy, but once they were on, they worked really well. We headed to the grocery store (about 8 miles from us) and got there safely enough. We also paid a visit to our local Ace hardware to pick up a few items for minor home repairs while we were out. While we were in the grocery store, the snow picked up. It was really, really coming down as we went to leave and getting home, even with chains and front-wheel drive was dicey. My poor southerner husband was terrified (I was driving, of course) but he hid it well for the most part.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Chickens are a-laying
So as I mentioned last week, the chickens have started laying eggs for us. We are seeing a distinct pattern, too. So far, we are getting two white eggs and one brown egg each day. This means that since we only have two chickens who lay white eggs, they are laying an egg a day. This is pretty unusual for this time of year (dark days generally mean less eggs), but the white leghorns are supposed to be the most prolific layers of our group (the reason we got them) it does make sense. We are getting one brown egg a day, but we are fairly certain that they are not all coming from the same RIR. In fact, based on shell pattern, it's obvious that we have at least two different RIR's a-laying at the moment. It's possible that three of them are in the game since we do occasionally get two brown eggs in one day.
We know for certain that none of the 'easter egg' birds are laying yet. These are mixed breed birds with Americana/Arucana characteristics. They will lay blue-green eggs once they start laying, so we will know when they are of 'age'.
The roosters seemed to have calmed down a bit. There was quite a bit of agression from one of them right as the laying began, but they seemed to have either put their fighting on hold in the interest of staying warm, or the 'lesser' rooster has learned that he does not get to procreate (which used to piss off the head rooster and cause fights). It is supposed to warm back up to normal winter temps next week, so we'll keep an eye on them. I think we've decided to put the big guy into the pot...but we'll make the final decision when it's time to make the cut.
Funny thing happened last weekend when the chickens were free-ranging in the goat pen. We put them in with the goats so that we can go and do other things and not worry about them. It's possible they could still be taken by large birds of prey, but at least in the pen they are safe from our neighbor's dogs...which are definitely the most immediate threat. Anyway, when they are in the pen, they do not have access to their coop. We put their waterer in with them, but they forage for food and use the goat's play table for shelter when it rains. I was feeding some weeds to the goats and noticed that one of the white leghorn girls was pacing back and forth against the fence, closest to where the coop was located. She was clearly agitated! I called to my H to come and put her in the coop because I had a feeling that she had to lay an egg. Sure enough, as soon as he put her in there she ran into the coop and into a nesting box to lay! Poor thing, she was probably thinking "got an egg coming, gotta get to the an egg coming, gotta get to the coop!".
The weather has been so horrible since then that we haven't free-ranged them (no grass to find anyway!). If we can, I hope to let them out there this weekend. I plan to make a temporary nesting box for them out of an old kitty litter bucket that we can leave in the goat pen for 'free-range' days.
The coop as it looked this morning...looks like it's made out of gingerbread and icing!
Christmas on the homestead
So, Christmas is just around the corner. This year, my H and I decided to scale back in a big way. We have decided to buy one gift for both of us (something we've both been wanting for awhile) and then put a strict spending limit on individual gifts for each other. We also got small gifts for each of our family members and will be including some home-made items with each package. We can't include everything that we'd like since all our family members live far away and we can't exactly mail goats milk butter or apple cider...but we are making due.
I'd really, really wanted to hand make all the gifts this year, but as usual, time ran out on me. I'm not going to share what my plans were though, since I know who is reading ths blog and some of those ideas will just be used for next year! We partly wanted to reduce our spending this year for financial reasons, partly for my continued desire to reject consumerism and partly from our efforts to be more earth friendly. Reusing things or giving edible items is a simple way of being more sustainable and reducing the impact on landfills.
Personally, I also think homemade things mean more, especially when they are from the heart.
For our main gift, my H and I hemmed and hawed a little about what to get. There are so many things that we still need, but in most cases, one of us wants (or will use) the item more than the other person. We wanted to come up with something that would benefit both of us equally. So, we finally decided on a greenhouse! We have ordered a greenhouse kit from an online dealer and we were hoping that it would ship to arrive before Christmas. Of course, with the weather the way it's's probably better that it's not here yet. With all the snow, artic temps, freezing rain and general winter mess, we wouldn't really be able to get it put up for awhile anyway. We ordered a 6x8 greenhouse that is modular in that we can buy expansions as we decide we need them. We figure that 6x8 is enough to get us started. We've also been paying close attention to the sunlight patterns on our property this winter (when the sun is out occasionally!) so that we can pick the best location. We've decided on a spot that gets the most winter sun, but that is also partway shaded in the summer time. The only downfall to this spot is its distance from the house and from our water supply. BUT, we do have a shallow well with a pump for our irrigation system (in the summer) and one of the spigots to it is right next to where the greenhouse will we are hoping we can rig something with that come the dry season. Until then, I hope to get a gutter and a barrel installed on it for rainwater collection.
This is a pic of the greenhouse from the site where we ordered it. I can't wait for it to get here!
And so it begins...this was taken as I was milking the goats on Sunday morning.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Eschewing consumerism
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Look, more eggs!!
Snowballs and the pantry
It'll be even more fun once the pantry is STOCKED the way I'd like. The past few days have made me realize that we need more veggies stored. To this end, I'm going to buy some bulk veggies this weekend and can some more. I'd also like to put together a small root cellar and store more things like potatoes, root veggies and winter squash. I know I'll be buying these items this year, but it'll be a good way to learn how a root cellar works in preparation for next year when I'll get to store things grown in our own garden. I also need to take a good inventory of what we have in the pantry already. The plan is to mount a white board near the door so that as we use something up, we can list it and get it replaced. Shopping for 'fresh' foods usually centers on fruits and veggies, milk, eggs and bread. My goal is to only need to buy fruits and veggies once every couple of weeks and to avoid having to buy milk (done), eggs (soon), and bread (time to start). Not only will this save money (buying in bulk and during sales), but it will save lots of time and heaven knows, we could all use a little more of that!
So the moral of the story? If you don't have a working pantry - start one, now. If your home doesn't have a dedicated pantry area, you can always convert a closet, the space under your stairs, or even the corner of a room (I know of one woman who bought a big old wardrobe at a yard sale and uses that for her pantry). Start with buying extra of the things you use all the time (or buy in bulk if you can). This is easy to do with things like canned goods, dry goods and paper products. From there, start thinking about assembling meals and what items you'll need to supplement what you've already got. This might mean being more efficient about how the freezer is utilized or trying some things like home canning or dehydrating. Keep in mind, there is no point to filling the back closet with wheat flour if you can't eat wheat. What I mean is, buy and store the things YOU eat. Not only will this eventually be a great money and time saver, this will also help you prepare for emergencies (power outages, natural disasters, etc).'s kind of fun seeing all that beautiful food (like canned cinnamon grape preserves or golden turkey stock) lining the shelves!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Our First Egg!!
I'm so excited! The roosters have been 'violating' the chickens for about a week and a half now, so we knew it must be close to laying time. In fact, today we had to separate the roosters for the first time because they were fighting so badly. We put the smaller one into the goat paddock for the day so that he could free-range. The others we left in the coop/run since it was rainy anyway. When my H went to put the rooster back in, he saw the egg sitting there in one of the nesting box! Thank goodness we got those boxes done last week! This is an egg from one of the two white leghorns. They are supposed to be the most prolific layers of the group, so it makes sense that they'd be the first to lay for us.
This was a busy weekend as usual. We did get the chicken coop waterproofed yesterday. It had been clear for a few days, so the coop was nice and dry and it was supposed to be sunny yesterday and warm enough (barely) to apply the water seal. By the time we'd put the chickens back in, it was dry enough that the fumes were mostly gone. Today, it rained and we could see the water beading up on the coop. Excellent!
We also skimmed more milk and ate the last of the carrots from our garden. And we tried one of the pints of canned carrots with our dinner one night...they were surprizingly good! Not mushy at all...which I was totally expecting. Next weekend I hope to can a batch of something else (I did no canning this weekend). We did get some big beef bones from our CSA, so maybe I'll use those to make some beef stock.
Today we managed to get in a 20 mile ride. It was pouring rain the whole time, but all of our gear served us well and we stayed dry and comfortable. I was actually kind of glad that I got a chance to test everything out (including my fenders) before I have to ride to work one day in the rain. We are both also working on getting back into shape, so a 20 mile ride was a nice workout towards that end.
Lastly, I managed to get the outside of our house decorated. I put up icicle lights hanging from the front porch overhang. Then we put rope lighting as an outline of our roofline. Lastly, I framed the front door with fake evergreen boughs laced with white lights. It all looks nice but isn't too much. I'm not a fan of house decorations that light up the night! Tonight we are putting up our tree. The ceilings in this house are 7ft. The tree is 7.5 ft. Somehow, we'll make it work!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Rain and Sun in Oregon
More often than not, the weather can make or break my mood. This has always been the case for me, so I was fearful that moving to a place where it rained from October to June was going to do me in. So far, I've been wrong. Today is the first day of December, so now I can say that I have been in Oregon for every month of the year. I came here for my interview in January of 2008. We traveled here for a week in Feburary 2008 to look for a place to live. We moved here in March 2008 and have been here ever since. Up until today, December was the only month I hadn't yet experienced at all in Oregon. Now, I'm not clamining that one day in December, a weekend in January and a week in February is enough to determine how the long rainy winter will affect me...but it's a milestone, none-the-less!
Anyway, what I've come to realize is that while yes, it rains virtually daily in the winter, it's often not a long drawn out downpour. In fact, it's mostly just cloudy and drizzly with occasional breaks in the clouds...sometimes even lasting a whole afternoon (like yesterday). And then June/July hits and someone turns off the water. It didn't rain much at all in July or August of last year. In fact, it was very, dry and beautiful. Anyway, my point is that while it would be hard to plan a week of camping in these winter conditions, it's easy enough to get things done (when it's not dark!) and to work around the rain showers. So far, the minor sun breaks are enough to keep my spirts up. Rainbows help, in this regard, too. Let's see how I do with the rest of the winter!